Tennis Ball Reaction

  Posted Nov 01/15 by Shawn Lockhart for Better Coaches

4386 6 28


  • To give entry level players practice reacting to balls hit directly at them and catching line drives.


  • Balls (10-20 tennis balls).
  • Screen
  • Tennis Racquets
  • Gloves


  • This drill is designed to take away an entry level player's fear of a ball (this is the reason for using tennis balls).
  • Coach simply lines players up along a fence and kneels down approximately 15-20 away.
  • Coach goes down the line and hits tennis balls to each player.
    • Round 1 - ground balls (see video 1)
    • Round 2 - line drives (see video 2)


  • Distance between coach and players, as well as ball velocity should be tapered to player's age and skill level. Again, this drill is designed to decrease fear of balls and increase reaction speed so it is important that proper progressions are taken.
  • Coaches can position two separate groups if need (line drives, and ground balls). 
    To make this drill more challenging, have players do it without their gloves.