Blue Cap - Fundamental Movement Skills

  Posted Nov 11/19 by André Lachance for Baseball Canada

79 3

Frog race


La course des grenouilles



Blue Cap - Fundamental Movement Skills - Balance – Squatting like a catcher and squat jump to right and then to left (5 times each)


Drill: Frog race


Goal: Increase ability for players to maintain a balanced position.


Description: Create 3-4 teams based on the numbers of athletes. Make sure teams are not more than 4 players to allow proper repetitions. Executing a relay run, teams are running against each other adopting the squat position (frog). Players are placed so 2 players from each team are facing each other. At the signal, the first athlete from the line goes, when he reaches the other line, a tap in the hand is the signal for his teammate to leave. Repeat until all players have done the race. Make sure to avoid having players complete a full round trip. 


Equipment: None


Variation & Progression: Players could be dispersed across a determined area and a game of tag can be played. Remember to keep the playing area small as players don’t move quickly in that position.