Blue Cap - Throwing

  Posted Nov 11/19 by André Lachance for Baseball Canada

101 3

The relay


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Blue Cap – Throwing


With a coach standing in front of the player at a distance of 50 feet, the player is asked to throw the ball in the air.  Accuracy is not important at this stage, only that the play be able to throw the distance.  Below is a drill that can be used to prepare players for this task:


The Relay


Goal: Execute a throw with precision and accuracy.



Split players into 2 groups (depending on the number of players). Each team forms a line. A hoola hoop filled with balls of different kinds is located 30 feet in front of each team, with two cones placed at 15 feet and 30 feet from the hoop.  When given a signal, a player goes to the hoop and from there tries to throw a ball at each cone.  Two throws are allowed.  The player then returns to the line and the next player attempts the task.



              Distance -  depending on players’ abilities (closer or farther)

A-          If player hits 1st cone = 1 point, 2nd cone = 3 points; first team to finish = 2 points

B-          Without cones and hoops, teams are in line.  Players throw to a partner.   First team to go all the way and back gets the point.


Key points:

              None. Let’s have fun here !



              Several balls (2 minimum) of all kinds

              2 cones per team so between 4 and 6 cones

              2-3 hoops