Red Cap - Hitting

  Posted Nov 11/19 by André Lachance for Baseball Canada

78 1

The precision hitter


Frappeur de précision



Red Cap – Hitting - Able to hit 3/5 fair balls from a pitching machine (44' and 32-34 mph) or overhand.


The accurate hitter


Goal:                  Drill allowing players to hit at all fields


Description:     You will need 4 cones for this drill. Cones #1 and #2 will be placed at shortstop at 15 feet apart while cones #3 and #4 will be placed between 1st and 2nd base at 15 feet apart. With a coach standing in front of the player at 30 feet and throwing overhand, simply ask the player to hit the ball.  On the first 5 balls thrown, 3 have to be hit between cones at shortstop. On the next 5 balls, 3 have to be hit between cones in the middle and on last 5 balls, 3 have to be hit between cones between the 1st and 2nd base area. The ball has to reach the outfield portion, rolling or in the air.


Variation and progression:     

A.          Start with one area only.

B.           Add a point system


Key points:

                             Feet wider than shoulders

                             Hands high and back

                             Hands together on the bat