BetterCoaches Directions for adding a resource

  Posted May 25/16 by Shawn Lockhart for Baseball Canada

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The following directions apply to adding any resources including Drills, Instructions, Blogs, Files, or Links.  When adding a resource, the content does not necessarily have to be something you created.  It may be any type of resource that you think would be of value to other coaches. 

1.   Make sure you are logged in at the top right.

2.   Click the Editor button (pen icon) in the top right.

3.   Click on Add a [Resource] for the resource you would like to Add.

4.   Step 1) Content:

a.   Enter the Details of your resource.  Enter the Heading and select the Sport, Level(s), and Category.  Click on More Details for added text.  Click Save & Next when ready.

5.   Step 2) Video(s): (optional)

a.   If you don’t want to include video(s), click Skip

b.   To include a video, you can either paste a Youtube URL or Upload a video

 i.     Go to and browse to the video you want to include.  Copy the Youtube URL (eg. and paste it where it says ‘paste url here’.

 ii.     OR to Upload a video, you will first need a Youtube/Google account.  Click Sing in to Sign In to Google and hit Allow button.   Once logged in “Click to upload Video”.  Browse the video and it will start uploading and processing.  Once uploaded and processed, it will show the uploaded videos.

 iii.     Click Next to continue

6.   Step 3) Photo(s): (optional)

a.   If you don’t want to include photo(s), click Skip

b.   To include photos, click “Click to upload Photos”.

c.    Browse to the photos you want to include.  You can select multiple.

d.   Photos will be shown once uploaded.  You can edit the order of the videos and/or add category names.

e.   Click Next to continue

7.   Step 4) Link(s) or File(s): (optional)

a.   If you don’t want to include links or files, click Skip

b.   To Add new Link(s):

i.     Enter a Link Label and enter or copy and paste the URL. 

ii.     You can add multiple.

c.    If you have already added Links, you can select Link(s) from your Links:

i.     Select a Link from your list of Links

ii.     Repeat for multiple Links.

d.   To Add new File(s):

i.     Enter a File Label and enter or copy and paste the URL. 

ii.     You can add multiple.

e.   If you have already added Files, you can select Files(s) from your Files:

i.     Select a File from your list of Files

ii.     Repeat for multiple Files.

f.     Once you have added any Links and/or Files, hit Save & Next

g.   Any Links or Files will be added to your resources

8.   Step 5) Publish

a.   To publish right away, leave box checked and hit Publish It

i.     All followers will be notified about the new resource being published.

b.   To publish at a later date, uncheck the box, select a date and hit Publish It

i.     On the date you selected, the resource will be published and all followers will be notified about the new resource.


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