PRACTICE Black/Green Caps - Practice #4
Posted Nov 11/19 by André Lachance for Baseball Canada140 1
The Wheel
The Relay
Running drills:
Description: All players are side by side on a line. Players do the exercise on a 45 feet distance, going and returning.
Variations and progression:
A. Military walk
C. Shuffle steps
H. Sprint, baseball start
Description: Warming up with various exercises giving opportunities to stretch the body and prepare itself for baseball practice.
Throwing and receiving:
Exercise "Handcuffs"
Description: Players pair up with each other or with a parent. At a signal, players take a proper grip on the ball.
Equipment: 1 “Incrediball” for each player
Variations and progression:
C. Players are seated, pick the ball off the ground and throw it to partner (or parent)
E. On two knees, pick the ball off the ground and throw it to partner (or parent)
I. On their back, throw the ball to a partner (or parent)
Exercise "The Wheel"
Description: In pairs, the players play catch using the proper mechanics.
Equipment: 1 “Incrediball” for each player
Variations and progression:
F. Execute 3 circles before throwing
- small circle
- medium circle
- large circle
Exercise "The Relay"
Description: Split players into 2 groups (depending on the number of players). Each team forms a line. A hoola hoop filled with balls of different kinds is located 30 feet in front of each team, with two cones placed at 15 feet and 30 feet from the hoop.
When given a signal, a player goes to the hoop and from there tries to throw a ball at each cone. Two throws are allowed. The player then returns to the line and the next player attempts the task.
Several balls (2 minimum) of all kinds
2 cones per team so between 4 and 6 cones
2-3 hoops
Variations and progression:
Distance - depending on players’ abilities (closer or farther)
A. If player hits 1st cone = 1 point, 2nd cone = 3 points; first team to finish = 2 points
B. You can add challenges... between line and hoop (be creative!).
C. Without cones and hoops, teams are in line. Players throw to a partner. First team to go all the way and back gets the point.
Exercise "Space Shuttle"
Description: 1 adult and 1 ball (space shuttle) for every 2 players; 1 marker for each player; Try to assign partners as close in ability as possible.
Partners stand behind a line and see how far they can throw (send the ball into space). The adult leader can be in the area of the throw to mark the spot.
Competition can be introduced by seeing if they can throw farther each time and by competing against each other
Equipment: 1 ball for every 2 players
Variation and progression:
Use different types of balls (tennis, incredible, baseball. Wiffle)
Exercise "Kill the Mosquito"
Description: Put bases down in proper locations on diamond, with 3 players at each one. Pretend there is a mosquito on the INSIDE corner of each base.
Players, in turn, take a swing at an imaginary ball, drop the bat, run as fast as possible to the next base, stepping on the “mosquito” as they round the base. Players then wait their turn at the base they just rounded.
Equipment: 4 bases and 4 cones
Key points:
Remind players it will be easier to step on the “mosquito” if they run a little to the outside of the base line as they approach the base.
It would be helpful to put some markers down for them to go around as shown in the diagram.
Exercise "Names & Numbers
Description: Name each position and their number. Give each player a position name and instruct them to go to that position.
Equipment: Ball (baseball), bag
Variations & Progression:
Start them off the pitching mound
Write position numbers on balls, place the balls in a bag; have players draw a ball and take it to the corresponding position
1 = pitcher
2 = catcher
3 = first base
4 = second base
5 = third base
6 = shortstop
7 = left-field
8 = center-field
9 = right-field