PRACTICE Black/Green Caps - Practice #10
Posted Nov 11/19 by André Lachance for Baseball Canada101 1
The Wheel
Running drills:
Description: All players are side by side on a line. Players do the exercise on a 45 feet distance, going and returning.
Variations and progression:
H. Sprint, baseball start
I. Backpedal run
E. Football sprint
Description: Warming up with various exercises giving opportunities to stretch the body and prepare itself for baseball practice.
Throwing and receiving:
Exercise "The Wheel"
Description: In pairs, the players play catch using the proper mechanics.
Equipment: 1 “Incrediball” for each player
Variations and progression:
C. On both knees.
E. Players are executing on command:
1) Throwing arm goes down
2) Reach back
3) Lift arm to shoulder height
G. Add one step with the glove side (giant step), just before throwing
Exercise "Drill with Pitcher"
Description: With a coach located at 20 feet in front of the player, toss the ball with both knees on the ground while asking the hitter to hit the ball.
Players are usually set up as follows:
- 2 players hitting
- 2 players catching behind hitters
- 1 player feeding balls to the coach
- rest of players in the field (gathering balls)
Players rotate (in pairs) from the field, to catching behind the hitters, to hitting, and finally back to the field.
After coach has thrown a ball to one hitter, he/she immediately throws the next pitch to the other hitter.
Players rotate after each group has had 10-15 quality swings.
Equipment: Balls and bats
Variations and progression:
C. Baseball bats, wiffle balls.
D. Baseball bats, tennis balls.
F. Cut hockey stick, wiffle balls.
Key points:
Feet must be wider than shoulders
Hands high and back
Hands together on bat
Exercise "The Game"
Complete your practice by playing a game, as per Rally Cap rules.
*refer to "General Information" section to get information about rules and game format.