Break Through

  Posted Apr 11/20 by Shawn Lockhart for Better Coaches

2010 8 50


  • This is a quick and easy minor game that empasizes the importance of backing up other players.
  • The goal for each team is to not allow a ground ball to be hit through their side of the infield.


  • Balls (1-5)
  • Ball Bucket
  • Fungo
  • Gloves
  • Cones


  • Place 3-6 infielders on one side of the diamond (between second and first for example) and label them as team 1.
  • Do the same on the other side of the diamond (between second and third) and make them team 2.
  • Coaches position themselves to hit ground balls to each group (one takes the left side, the other takes the right).
  • If the fielders keep the ball from going past the dirt of the infield cut-out on their side of the diamond, they receive one point (the game goes to 11).


  • Make sure that teams are made as equal as possible.
  • Some fields do not have an infield cut-out, therefore coaches may want to use cones as boundaries instead.
  • Try to avoid letting one player make all the plays (you may want to rotate players around or hit ground balls to different areas of the field).