Round Trip Relay

  Posted Nov 01/15 by Shawn Lockhart for Better Coaches

1585 7 34


  • This drill focuses on developing speed on the base paths and is also a great way to finish off a practice.


  • Baseball Diamond
  • Bases
  • Cones


  • Divide players into two equal teams (place one team at second and one team at home plate). Coach stands in the middle of the field near the pitcher's mound. 
    On the coach's command the race starts (it is sometimes fun to toss a ball up in the middle of the diamond and have the first player in each line start their sprint as soon as the ball hits the ground).
  • As players approach the base from which they started from, the next player in line stands in front of the base and gets into ready position.
  • The next player in line can leave the base after his/her partner has touched it with their foot.
  • The first team to get all of their players around the basepaths wins.


  • It is a good idea to take the time to ensure that teams are as even as possible.
  • Make sure that players run the bases using proper technique (hitting the inside of the bag with their inside foot).
  • A simple progression could incorporate players running with a ball and passing it on to the next runner.