Corner Drill

  Posted Nov 01/15 by Shawn Lockhart for Better Coaches

3523 4 26


  • Give first and third basemen an opportunity to practice proper footwork and throwing to second base to initiate the double play.


  • Bat/Fungo
  • 3-4 Baseballs
  • Bases / Throwdowns


  • Organize players into two groups (first basemen and third baseman) and have them face the same way.
  • Have two other players assigned to be "rollers."
  • First basemen will be fielding the ball then turning to make the throw to their right.
  • Third basemen will field the ball and make the throw to their left.
  • Each player will take turns acting as the middle infielder. For instance, when the ball is hit to the third baseman, the first baseman will take the throw as if he were playing second.
  • Pattern is as follows:
    • Roller one throws to third baseman, third baseman fields the ball and throws to first.
    • First baseman catches the ball and throws to roller two who then throws a ground ball back to him.
    • First baseman fields the ball, pivots, and throws the ball to second baseman who then throws the ball back to roller one.


  • Give players a lot of repetitions and allow them opportunities to field balls hit straight at them, to their forehand, as well as to their back hand.