Black/Green Caps - Practice #8

  Posted Nov 11/19 by André Lachance for Baseball Canada

71 1

The Wheel





Running drills:


Description: All players are side by side on a line. Players do the exercise on a 45 feet distance, going and returning.


Variations and progression:

C. Shuffle steps

D. Cross steps, front and back

I. Backpedal run

E. Football sprint




Description: Warming up with various exercises giving opportunities to stretch the body and prepare itself for baseball practice.


Throwing and receiving:


Exercise "The Wheel"


Description: In pairs, the players play catch using the proper mechanics.


Equipment: 1 “Incrediball” for each player


Variations and progression:

D. On one knee (throwing’s arm knee)

E. Players are executing on command:

1)           Throwing arm goes down

2)           Reach back

3)           Lift arm to shoulder height

G. Add one step with the glove side (giant step), just before throwing




Exercise "500"


Abilities: Hitting, receiving, throwing


Equipment: 2 bats, 4 balls


Organisation: 2 groups of 6 players having their own playing surface. 1 batter while the others field. The other group does exactly the same exercise.



- Batter will bat off a Tee or via adult-pitch.

- Each batter gets 10 swings or hits.

- Fielder can get points by fielding the ball, *100 for caught fly, *50 for one bouncer, *25 for a grounder




Exercise "The Challenge"


Description: All players are at home plate. At their turn (after player in front has reached 1st base), players round the bases. Between each base, there is a challenge to perform.


Equipment: Set of bases (minimum of 4), various items for challenges


Challenge examples:

A. Backpedal

B. Rounding cones

C. Roll

D. Jump between sticks

E. Pass under a stick on 2 cones

F. Jump over a partner

G. Shuffle steps or other running drills

H. T-ball

I. Field a ball, throw to the coach

J. Etc ... (be creative)


Key points:

More than one ability can be incorporated.



Exercise "Tag Baseball"


Description: Install hoops behind 1st base and home plate. Install hoops on 2nd and 3rd base. One or some players have the tag. Players have to reach the next base while following the base paths. Player with the tag must leave the mound to touch players.


Equipment: Set of bases (4) and hoops (4)


Variation and progression:

A. Ask parents to participate


Key points:

Possibility to pass 1st base and home plate

Make sure to avoid too many players at each base




Exercise "Out"


Goal: Teach and explain to players how to make an out.


Description: Play a game and instruct players to touch the runners to make an out.


Variations and progression:

-Make a couple of teams and play mini-games using only one base.

-Play mini-game using 4 bases.

-Rotate the teams to change match-ups.


Key points:

Touch the runner with the ball before the runner touches the base.