Passed Ball Drill

  Posted Nov 01/15 by Shawn Lockhart for Better Coaches

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  • To improve communication between pitchers and catchers during a pass ball situation.


  • Baseballs (2 - 3).
  • 2 Cones


  • Pitcher stands on the mound and goes through his motion (without a ball).
  • Once pitcher completes motion, coach (who is standing behind and off to the side of the catcher) throws a ball back to the screen simulating a wild pitch.
  • The pitcher's job is to point to the location of the ball while charging off the mound towards home plate.
  • The catcher's job is to get the direction from the pitcher, find and recover the baseball, then deliver it back to the pitcher, who is now covering home plate, as quickly as possible.
  • Verbal Cues From Pitchers:
    • "Feet Feet Feet!" - for balls underneath the catcher or around the home plate area.
    • "Ball Ball Ball!" - for balls that are against the fence or further away from the catcher.


  • Coach should ensure that players get practice recovering various different types of pass balls (deep, shallow, wide left, and wide right).