PRACTICE White/Grey Caps - Practice #1
Posted Nov 11/19 by André Lachance for Baseball Canada2196 2 8
The Wheel
Between The Two
Catch the ball like an egg
The Crocodile
The Train
Running drills:
Description: All players are side by side on a line. Players do the exercise on a 45 feet distance, going and returning.
Variations and progression:
A. Military walk
B. High knees
G. Sitting, use only arms
Description: Warming up with various exercises giving opportunities to stretch the body and prepare itself for baseball practice.
Throwing and receiving:
Exercise "Handcuffs"
Description: Players pair up with each other or with a parent. At a signal, players take a proper grip on the ball.
Equipment: 1 “Incrediball” for each player
Variations and progression:
A. Players are seated, pick the ball off the ground and show it to a partner (or parent)
C. Players are seated, pick the ball off the ground and throw it to a partner (or parent)
Exercise "The Wheel"
Description: In pairs, the players play catch using the proper mechanics.
Equipment: 1 “Incrediball” for each player
Variations and progression:
E. Players are executing on command:
1) Throwing arm goes down
2) Reach back
3) Lift arm to shoulder height
Exercise "Between the Two"
Description: Each player has a bat in their hands. Copy every different position the coach takes.
Every time the coach asks the players how to position themselves, they answer "Between the two". In all cases, you want "Between the two" extremes as a better method for your hitters to start from.
Equipment: 1 "bat" per player
Variations and progression:
A. Close feet (compact stance) vs. Wide feet (wide stance)
B. Straight legs vs. Bent legs
E. Complete swings without balls
Key points:
Feet must be wider than shoulders
Hands high and back
Hands together on bat
Exercise "T-Ball"
Description: With a partner or a coach located to the side of the player, ask the player to hit the ball from a tee. Ensure the tee is placed in front of home plate and NOT on it. Others pick up the baseballs.
Equipment: T-ball, various bats and balls
Variations and progression:
A. Standard T-ball
B. Hit the ball through a hoop
Key points:
Feet must be wider than shoulders
Hands high and back
Hands together on bat
Exercise "Catch the ball like an egg"
Description: With a partner or a coach located in front of the player at a distance of 6 feet, throw the ball underhand to the player. Look for players who will catch the ball with two hands.
Place players opposite each other at a distance of 6 feet. With players on 2 knees, and bare handed, have the players play catch throwing the ball under hand. For younger players, it would be a good idea to match a player with a parent.
Variations and progression:
A. On both knees, use foam balls
C. On both knees, use tennis balls
Key points:
Reach out for the ball
Bring hands toward the body when catching the ball
Exercise "The Crocodile"
Description: Coach instructs the players to simulate the proper way to receive a ground ball.
Equipment: Several types of balls (minimum 1 per player) and bigger balls.
Variations and progression:
A. Simulate receiving the ball
B. Coach rolls a ground ball
Key points:
Always put hands out like a crocodile's mouth
"Pet" the ball when receiving it
Feet and hands form a triangle
Exercise "The Train"
Description: Starting from home plate, players form a line and walk around the bases, saying the name of the base as they touch it. Parents can join in this activity.
Equipment: Set of bases (minimum of 4)
Variations and progression:
A. Coach leads the line
B. Individually, done while jogging
D. Have players start at different bases
E. Individually done by running, player goes around the bases (same as Hit Run and Throw)
Key points:
Player must learn to run on the right side
Exercise "The Musical Base"
Description: All players are jogging in the infield. At the coach’s signal, players run towards a designated base as mentioned by the coach.
Equipment: 4 bases minimum
Variation and progression:
A. Ask players to get to any base while having a maximum number of players at each base.
Key points:
Name the bases
Players cannot push each other during the game
Avoid consequences to losers