Blue/Red Caps - Practice #8

  Posted Nov 11/19 by André Lachance for Baseball Canada

52 2

The Wheel


Light Toss







Running drills:


Description: All players are side by side on a line. Players do the exercise on a 45 feet distance, going and returning.


Variations and progression:

C. Shuffle steps

D. Cross steps, front and back

I. Backpedal run

E. Football sprint




Description: Warming up with various exercises giving opportunities to stretch the body and prepare itself for baseball practice.


Throwing and receiving:


Exercise "The Wheel"


Description: In pairs, the players play catch using the proper mechanics.


Equipment: 1 “Incrediball” for each player


Variations and progression:

D. On 1 knee (throwing arm's knee)

E. Players are executing on command:

1) throwing arm goes down

2) reach back

3) lift arm to shoulder height

G. Add one step with the glove side (giant step), just before throwing.




Exercise "500"


Abilities: Hitting, receiving, throwing


Equipment: 2 bats, 4 balls


Organisation: 2 groups of 6 players having their own playing surface. 1 batter while the others field. The other group does exactly the same exercise.



- Batter will bat off a Tee or via adult-pitch.

- Each batter gets 10 swings or hits.

- Fielder can get points by fielding the ball, *100 for caught fly, *50 for one bouncer, *25 for a grounder




Exercise "Light Toss"


Description: Players can do this in pairs or in groups of three (each group needs 6-10 baseballs). With a partner or a coach located at 45 degrees beside the batter, simply ask the player to hit the ball tossed underhand.


Get one player to kneel in front and to the side of the hitter and toss a ball with little or no arc in front of them.


After the hitter has had 10-15 quality swings, get the players to switch. The pitcher should keep the delivery consistent so that hitters can find their timing.


Equipment: Various bats and balls


Variations and Progressions:

A. Regular toss 45 degrees

B. Regular toss 45 degrees with colored balls


Key points:

Feet wider than shoulders

Hands high and back

Hands together on the bat




Exercise "Sliding"


Description: Place the mat on an open field. Have players line up in single file approximately 10 to 15 feet away from the mat. Have players run and complete the slide into the mat, one player at a time.


For all sliding techniques, the coach can shorten the "run up" distance to slow the players down and focus on the technique of the slide, then slowly increase the speed of the players after they feel more comfortable.


Equipment: Mats (optional)


Variations and progression:

B. Football slide


Key points:

Bent Leg Slide.

Make sure the players have their hands in the air to avoid injury.

Stay low throughout the approach of the slide in order to decrease the amount of impact with the ground.


Exercise "Gotcha"


Description: Place 2-4 groups of players at each base or at home plate and 2nd base depending on number of players. Set up bases in diamond formation 20–30 feet apart.


On the signal “Go,” one player from each group starts running around the bases. The objective is to run past the person ahead of you.


Score 1 point for your team for every player passed.


Run for a set period of time (15-30 seconds).


Equipment: 4 bases


Variation and progression:

A. Use parents so players can try to pass them

B. Backpedal


Key points:

At all time, players must touch all bases




Exercise "Be positioned depending on the hitter"


The defensive positioning will vary depending on who comes up to the plate. For example, a weak left-handed batter will allow the players on the left side of the field to play in. The opposite is true when a weak right-handed batter comes up.


The players will have to cover more ground when a power hitter comes up to the plate. The defense will also have to shift to the right or left depending on the hitters’ tendencies.


Exercise "The Game"


Complete your practice by playing a game, as per Rally Cap rules.

* refer to "General Information" section to get information about rules and game format.