Footwork Drill

  Posted Dec 13/15 by Shawn Lockhart for Better Coaches

1518 1 18


  • The purpose of this drill is to get players (outfielders) to practice proper footwork when reacting to a ball hit in their general direction.
  • This drill is also useful in getting players to concentrate on tracking balls in the air while on the run.


  • Gloves
  • Baseballs (6 - 10)
  • Fungo (optional)
  • Pitching Machine (optional)


  • Players line up in front of coach and (one at a time) execute a proper drop step for a ball hit to their right
  • As soon as the player breaks, the coach throws a short fly ball for the player to catch.
  • The player's job is to track down the ball using proper outfielding technique.
  • After the fielder has retrieved his baseball, he runs to the back of the line.
  • Start with balls hit to the player's right, then left, then over their head.


  • Timing is everything. Remember that the purpose of this is to practice footwork and make adjustments to the position of the ball.
  • The coach should try and release the ball as soon as the player breaks.