Footwork Drill
Players line up in front of coach and (one at a time) execute a proper drop step for a ball hit to their rightAs soon as the player breaks, the coach throws a short fly ball for the player to catch. The player's job is to track down the ball using proper outfielding technique. After the fielder has retrieved his baseball, he runs to the back of the line...
3 GREAT Baseball Outfield Drills for Youth Players
3 GREAT Baseball Outfield Drills for Youth Players! If you want to take your skills to the next level, try these 3 baseball outfield drills for youth players! Get Your Free Bat Speed Trick Here: http://www. UltimateBaseballTraining. com/BatSpeed Subscribe To Our Channel Here For More Videos: http://www...
Gap Communication
Any open field location is fine for this drill, however, an actual baseball diamond is ideal. Divide players into two lines (one line standing in left center, the other in right center) and hit fly balls between them. Their job is to decide who is going to make the catch and who is going to cover...