Green Cap - Throwing

  Posted Nov 11/19 by André Lachance for Baseball Canada

111 3

The target





Green Cap – Throwing


With a partner or coach standing in front of the player at a distance of 25 feet, the player is asked to throw the ball in the air. Accuracy is not important at this stage, only that the player be able to throw the distance. Below is a drill that can used to prepare players for this task:




Objective:         Execute a throw with precision and accuracy.


Description:     While using the proper throwing technique (giant step, arm action and grip), the player tries to reach a target from an appropriate distance to be successful.  Players are placed in 2-3 columns and throw one after the other.  A parent, located behind the fence returns the balls to the next player in line.


Variations and Progression: Change distance in relation to the players’ abilities.

A.          Player attempts to hit a can filled with water which is sitting on a bench or chair.

B.           Player tries to throw the ball into a kid's basketball hoop.

C.           Use a target bullseye.


Key points:

              Make sure the grip is appropriate

              Glove side foot forward when throwing



              1 ball per player

              3 cans or other containers

              Kids' basketball hoop