Black/Green Caps - Practice #7

  Posted Nov 11/19 by André Lachance for Baseball Canada

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The Wheel


Practice With a Tennis Racket


The Relay





Running drills:


Description: All players are side by side on a line. Players do the exercise on a 45 feet distance, going and returning.


Variations and progression:

A. Military walk

I. Backpedal run

E. Football sprint




Description: Warming up with various exercises giving opportunities to stretch the body and prepare itself for baseball practice.


Throwing and receiving:


Exercise "The Wheel"


Description: In pairs, the players play catch using the proper mechanics.


Equipment: 1 “Incrediball” for each player


Variations and progression:

C. On both knees.

F. Execute 3 circles before throwing:

- small circle

- medium circle

- large circle

G. Add one step with the glove side (giant step), just before throwing




Exercise "The Gazelle"


Description: Player takes a swing with a bat. Player must leave the box using the right foot. Player takes some quick steps towards 1st base and stops at ¼ of the distance.



- Two bases minimum

- 1 bat minimum and 1 ball


Variations & Progression:

A. Simulate a swing with a foam or aluminum bat

B. Hit a badminton birdie

Key Points:

Players use their batting stance and take a swing.

Don’t look at the ball after it is hit.

Never throw the bat.

Right-handed batters’ first step is with the right foot and left-handed batters’ first step is with the left foot.




Exercise "Practice with Tennis Racquet"


Description: With a coach standing in front of the player at 30 feet and throwing overhand, simply ask the player to hit the ball with a tennis racquet.


Equipment: Tennis racquet and tennis balls


Players are usually set up as follows:

- 2 players hitting

- 2 players catching behind the hitters

- 1 player feeding balls to the coach

- rest of players in the field (gathering balls)


Players rotate (in pairs) from the field, to catching behind the hitters to hitting, and finally back to the field.


After coach has thrown a ball to one hitter, he/she immediately throws the next pitch to the other hitter.


Players rotate after each group has had 10-15 quality swings.




Exercise "Big Foot"


Description: Partners start in lines, facing each other, approximately 10 feet apart. One adult per pair. Players throw to each other (or adult throws if skill level is too low for accurate throws). Each time a catch is made the partners move back one giant step.


The pair that ends up the farthest apart while still able to catch the ball is given the BIG FOOT award.


Equipment: 1 ball for every 2 players


Variations and progression:

Use different types of balls (tennis, incredible, baseball, wiffle) depending on ability.


Exercise "The Relay"


Description: Split players into 2 groups (depending on the number of players). Each team forms a line. A hoola hoop filled with balls of different kinds is located 30 feet in front of each team, with two cones placed at 15 feet and 30 feet from the hoop.

When given a signal, a player goes to the hoop and from there tries to throw a ball at each cone. Two throws are allowed. The player then returns to the line and the next player attempts the task.



Several balls (2 minimum) of all kinds

2 cones per team so between 4 and 6 cones

2-3 hoops


Variations and progression:

Distance -  depending on players’ abilities (closer or farther)

A. If player hits 1st cone = 1 point, 2nd cone = 3 points; first team to finish = 2 points

B. You can add challenges... between line and hoop (be creative!).

C. Without cones and hoops, teams are in line. Players throw to a partner. First team to go all the way and back gets the point.




Exercise "Out"


Goal: Teach and explain to players how to make an out.


Description: Play a game and instruct players to touch the runners to make an out.


Variations and progression:

-Make a couple of teams and play mini-games using only one base.

-Play mini-game using 4 bases.

-Rotate the teams to change match-ups.


Key points:

Touch the runner with the ball before the runner touches the base.