Balanced Pick-Ups

  Posted Nov 01/15 by Shawn Lockhart for Better Coaches

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  • To Improve players' leg strength and balance.
  • Emphasize deliberate, controlled body motion.


  • Baseballs (2 - 3).
  • 2 Cones


  • Pitchers can do this exercise on their own.
  • Player starts in the balanced phase of the delivery with a ball in his glove. Pitcher then bends forward,places the ball near the back leg, then returns to the balanced position again.
  • Once he is back into the balanced position, player bends forward again and picks up the ball (repeat).


  • Make sure players work both legs for this exercise (right and left balanced pickups) to ensure equal development.
  • Remind players to move as smoothly and as balanced as possible. Going too fast defeats the purpose of the drill.
  • Repetitions and sets may vary according to the skill level of the player, however, a starting point should be somewhere around 3-4 sets of 10 per leg)