Green Cap - Baserunning

  Posted Nov 11/19 by André Lachance for Baseball Canada

90 3

Crab Dance


La danse du crabe



Green Cap - Baserunning – Able to run 20 feet followed by a feet first slide (on grass, no bases)


Drill: Crab Dance


Goal: Introduce players to the feet first slide at a base.


Description: From the crab position (standing on the hands and feet in a reverse position), players use the following progression:

a.           From the crab position, player brings his feet forward to get to 4 sliding position on grass

b.           From the crab position, player walk 3 steps and brings his feet forward to get to 4 sliding position on grass

c.           From the push-sup position, player brings his feet forward to get to 4 sliding position on grass.

d.           From standing position, execute 3 steps before sliding at a base placed on the grass.


Equipment: None


Variation & Progression: This activity prepares athletes for  Blue Cap sliding criteria.